Welcome to the County of Los Angeles Pension Savings Plan

Since January 1, 1992, the County of Los Angeles, in agreement with the Coalition of County Unions and SEIU Local 721, has been providing the Pension Savings Plan (PSP) as a Social Security offset retirement plan to part-time, temporary and seasonal employees who are not eligible to participate in the Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association nor the Judges Retirement System.

This Plan helps you prepare for your retirement and includes a County matching contribution. These funds will be there for your retirement, but, if you leave County service before retirement age, you may take your contribution, the County contribution and interest earned on your account as taxable cash when you leave.

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Features & Highlights | Plan Document | Summary Plan Description | Pension Savings Distribution Direct Rollover Request Form | Sample Qualified Domestic Relations Order
Please consider the investment objectives, risks, fees and expenses carefully before investing. For this and other important information, please obtain the mutual fund prospectuses and disclosure documents by visiting the Savings Web site at www.countyla.com or by calling the Los Angeles County Service Center at (800) 947-0845. Read them carefully before investing.

Investment options are offered through mutual funds and separately managed institutional accounts and have been selected by the Plan Administrative Committee. Securities are offered through GWFS Equities, Inc., a Great-West Company and FINRA member firm.

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